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VueJS Anatomy

The Mingle command will generate 2 files: one for the Mingle registration and another for the JS component.

  • resources/js/ChatApp/index.js

    Here we just register the Mingle and pass the JS component to it.

    import mingle from '@mingle/mingleVue'
    import ChatApp from './ChatApp.vue'
    mingle('resources/js/ChatApp/index.js', ChatApp)
  • resources/js/ChatApp/ChatApp.vue

    Here we can define the Vue component. It's a regular component, we can now import sub-components, use Vue directives, etc.

    On initialization, we can retrieve mingleData. Also, we use the wire to interact with the Livewire component.

    <script setup>
    const props = defineProps({
        wire: {},
        mingleData: {},
    const {wire, mingleData} = props
    const message = mingleData.message
    console.log(message) // 'Message in a bottle 🍾'
        .then(data => {
            console.log(data) // 4
            <!-- Build something great! -->

Advanced VueJS Components

Should you need to have full control over the Vue component, you can use the createMingle() function.

  • The createApp function is the original Vue with runtime compiler.
  • The props object is created for you for conveninence, but of course, you can modify it.
  • You can even make some logic depending on initial mingleData that comes from the server.

When you are done, return true to indicate that the component is ready to be used.

import mingle, { createMingle } from '@mingle/mingleVue'
import Counter from './Counter.vue'

const helloPlugin = {
    install: (app, options) => {
        app.config.globalProperties.$hello = (name) => {
            alert(`Hello ${name}!`)

createMingle('resources/js/vue-counter/index.js', ({createApp, props, el, wire, mingleId, wireId, mingleData}) => {
    const app = createApp(Counter, props)
    return true