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ReactJS Anatomy

The command will generate 2 files: one for the Mingle registration and another for the JS component.

  • resources/js/ChatApp/index.js

    Here we just register the Mingle and pass the JS component to it.

    import mingle from '@mingle/mingleReact'
    import ChatApp from './ChatApp.jsx'
    mingle('resources/js/ChatApp/index.js', ChatApp)
  • resources/js/ChatApp/ChatApp.jsx

    Here we can define the React component. It's a regular component, we can now import sub-components, use Vue directives, etc.

    On initialization, we can retrieve mingleData. Also, we use the wire to interact with the Livewire component.

    import React from 'react'
    function ChatApp({wire, ...props}) {
        const message = props.mingleData.message
        console.log(message) // 'Message in a bottle 🍾'
            .then(data => {
                console.log(data) // 4
        return (
                {/* <!-- Create something great! --> */}
    export default ChatApp